By (i) submitting an application online or (ii) registering for online or mobile services for your Account, you hereby agree to the following and this will constitute your consent for us to send you electronic communications about your Account. When you successfully consent through the online or mobile site, you have successfully demonstrated that you are able to access information we have posted on such online or mobile site.

Categories of Communications. You consent to receive communications relating to your Account in electronic form. The communications covered by your consent may include, but are not limited to, (i) the initial disclosure statement or agreement governing your Account, (ii) any disclosure required by federal, state or local law, including disclosures under the federal Truth in Lending Act, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and the financial privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, (iii) your billing statement, if you have signed up to receive electronic statements, (iv) letters, notices or alerts regarding your Account and any changes to your Account, (v) other disclosures, notices or communications in connection with the application for, the opening of, maintenance of or collection of your Account, and (vi) the debt cancellation agreement and other information relating to optional debt cancellation products you may select to purchase. These electronic communications may include your name and some information about your Account, including your balance or the due date; however, we will not include your full account number or social security number. Electronic communications may be reviewed by any party with access to your Account, the e-mail account you have provided to us for delivering these communications, or the hardware or software you use to view your Account information or your e-mail account.

How to Withdraw Your Consent.You may not apply online for an Account and you may not register your Account for online services (including electronic statements or mobile alerts), unless you also provide your consent to receive electronic communications. If you have registered for online services (such as electronic statements or mobile alerts) and you wish to withdraw your consent to receive future electronic communications, you must un-enroll from each service you have elected to receive to completely withdraw your consent to receive electronic communications. Additionally, you may call customer service [at the number on your credit card or billing statement] to withdraw your consent.

We will not impose any fee to process the withdrawal of your consent to electronic communications. However, you will not be able to receive your billing statements electronically if you do not consent to receive electronic communications or withdraw your consent. Any withdrawal of your consent to electronic communications will be effective only after we have a reasonable period of time to process your withdrawal request.

How to Update Your Records. You agree to promptly update your e-mail address if a change occurs by calling customer service.

Hardware and Software Requirements. In order to access and retain electronic communications, you must have the following:

  • For personal computers:
    • Access to the Internet via dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless access protocol or equivalent
    • SSL-enabled web browser that supports JavaScript
    • Sufficient electronic storage capacity on your hard drive or other data storage facility, or a means to print or store notices and information through your
      browser software

  • For mobile devices (phones, tablets, eReaders, or other mobile devices with Internet browsing capabilities):
    • Access to the Internet via dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless access protocol or equivalent
    • SSL-enabled web browser that supports HTML 5, JavaScript, and CSS3
    • Sufficient electronic storage capacity on your hard drive or other data storage facility, or a means to print or store notices and information through your
      browser software

Paper Copies of Communications. Upon your request we will provide you with a paper copy of a communication that we provide you electronically. If you would like a paper copy of any material (other than your debt cancellation agreement), please write to us at: Synchrony, P.O. Box 965033, Orlando, FL 32896-5033 or call us at the phone number listed on the back of your credit card or on your billing statement. If you would like a copy of your debt cancellation agreement, please write to us at:
Card Security, P.O. Box 39, Roswell, GA 30077-0039. There will be no charge for a paper copy of any material we have sent you electronically.

Communications in Writing. All communications in either electronic or paper format from us to you will be considered "in writing". You should print or download a copy of this consent, the Account agreement, the debt cancellation security agreement (if elected) and any other electronic communication that is important to you for your records.

Electronic Signatures. You acknowledge that by clicking on the "Submit" or similar button, you are indicating your intent to sign up for electronic communications and that this shall constitute your signature.

Federal Law. You acknowledge and agree that your consent is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce that is subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, and that you and we both intend that the Act apply to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business and communicate with you by electronic means.


In addition to the above, if you have elected to receive electronic statements, the following information applies:

1. Statement Inserts. Any inserts that would be included with a statement sent by U.S. mail may also be sent to you electronically. If an insert contains legally required material, to ensure that you receive the necessary material, we may send you a paper copy of your statement in addition to making the statement available to you electronically. Any legally required insert that would not be available electronically will be sent to you by U.S. mail.

2. Payment Information. When you elect to stop paper statements, you must still pay at least your Minimum Payment and have it received by us by 5 p.m. (ET) on the Payment Due Date. You can do this through an electronic bill pay service (whether through this website or using a third party servicer or bank) or by mailing your payment to us at the address shown on the electronic statement. Please note, if you do not pay us electronically, the crediting of your payment may be delayed by up to five days after receipt.

3. Returned E-mails. If e-mails advising you of the availability of statements are returned to us, we may cancel your enrollment for electronic statements and resume sending you paper statements in the mail. If this happens, you will need to re-enroll to receive electronic statements with updated information.

4. SPAM Filters. We will make every effort to ensure our e-mail notifications are properly listed with all SPAM filter agencies. However, you are responsible for ensuring that any SPAM filters recognize e-mail originating from us. If you fail to receive e-mail notifications from us after enrolling for electronic statements, please check with the provider of your e-mail account and/or the SPAM filter associated with your e-mail account.

5. Account Delinquency. We reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to stop providing you with electronic statements and provide you with paper statements, if your account is not maintained in good standing.

6. Cancellation. We reserve the right, at any time, to stop providing you electronic statements and provide you with paper statements. If we do so, we will provide you with prior notice, except in the case of account delinquency. Reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to, not viewing your last three electronic statements.

Definitions used in this consent:

  • "You" and "your" mean the primary applicant or accountholder;
  • "We", "us" and "our" mean Synchrony Bank;
  • "Account" means your Nautilus credit card account; and
  • "Billing Statement" means the billing statement for your Account.

All other terms used in this consent shall have the meanings given to them in the Account agreement.